Sunday, December 2, 2012

Visiting Santa

We went to see Santa today with Grandma and Gradnpa at Barton Creek Country Club and it went much better than Emma's first visit with Santa. 
Beggs Emma Charlotte Santa and Joel

Emma Charlotte Theo and Cora

Emma and Charlotte and Santa

3 Months

Charlotte is 3 months!  No Docotrs visit this time, but she has become very smiley and loves to coo at us. 


Here are some pictures from November...I have to get better about blogging! 
Thanksgiving table

Running the Turkey Trott Kids K with Emma

Me carrying Emma across the finish line of the kids K

Emma and Cora ready for the Turkey Trott

Neland Family all finished 5 miles!

This is what happens when I leave Charlotte with Brett...

Emma hleping me and Aunt Casey with Thanksgiving dinner

Joel and I on Thanksgiving

Another shot of the table

Place cards made by Emma

Mimi and Emma swinging on Turkey Day

Someone slept in the tree house...

Charlotte and Aunt Casey

Emma's first pedicure and manicure

Cricket Emma and Brendan

All of Mimi's girls

Charlotte and Great Grandmom

Emma at her school Thanksgiving feast

Emma and Charlotte on Election Day

The election wore her out!

Charlotte making faces

Emma riding Daddy the horse

Charlotte the princess

Two princesses

Emma and Stitch

Mimi and Emma

Great Grandmom Charlotte and Emma

Sleeping Charlotte

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Si I realized after I dressed Charlotte this morning that I took Emma"s 2 month pictures in the same outfit......


Charlotte 2 Months

Charlotte is now 2 months and getting into a good routine!  She is sleeping thru the night.  We give her a big bottle at 10pm, swaddle her and then she will sleep anywhere from 5:30am to 7am.  So that makes me a happy mom!  She has also started cooing more and smiling as well. 
Here are her 2 month stats:
Weight: 11lbs 13oz  ( 95%ile)
Height:  24in ( 95%ile)
Head Circumference: 41.6 cm (98%ile)


Halloween Carnival

We went with Uncle Josh and Aunt Kristin to their neighborhood Carnival and Emma decided she wanted to be Snow White for this carnival.  The girls enjoyed Trick or Treating!
Cora the Turtle and Emma as Snow White

The Daddies and their daughters

Mommy, Charlotte and Emma riding the train

Cora and Emma painting pumpkins

Saturday, October 27, 2012

October so far...

We have had a fun October!  We started potty training Emma, Mimi Brett and Brian came to visit, I had a birthday, we had a firends wedding and we have been to a few Halloween carnivals!
Emma and Cora at Dell Carnival

Emma and Cora at Dell Carnival

Emma at Chuck-e Cheese

Charlotte sleeping

Sister nap!

Emma holding Charlotte

Charlotte's favorite spot...her swing.

Potty training!  Big girl panties!!!

Happy baby

Mimi and Charlotte

Emma in my Dorothy costume from when I was her age

Emma as Dorothy

Brian and Charlotte

Mimi and her girls

Mimi and her other favorite girls at The Four Seasons celebrating Brian and my birthday

Brian and me

Emma and Charlotte in their matching purse outfits

Emma and Daddy at the bounce house for Mom's birthday

Emma and Daddy at the petting Zoo at her school Carnival

Meridith's wedding


Mere's wedding