Monday, June 25, 2012

Trip to Fort Worth

This past weekend we went to Fort Worth to visit Mimi and we also went to Dallas so that Emma could see her Great Grandmom.  We had such a great time!  It was so cute hearing Emma talk about her Great Grandmom. 
 Swimming at Brian and Brett's in all of her jewelry
 Emma swimming at her Great Grandmom's pool

 Emma and Mimi swimming

 Having lunch at Brooke a questioning look
 Walking Stitch to the park

Passed out on the way back to Austin after a fun weekend in Fort Worth!

Butterfly face paint

We went to Zilker Park and Emma got her face painted like a butterfly!  She loved it so much she even napped with her face like that.  She had a small melt down later in the day when we went swimming and it washed off, but we told her she could get it done again when we went back. 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Another big group of random Iphone pictures

I promise to be better about this, but here is another group of random pictures from my phone...
 After she voluntarily jumped into the pool by herself
 She and her BFF Sadie waiting to get a balloon animal
 End of semester picture from Dance class with Ms. Hannah

 Showing off her Snow White cup
 First day of summer camp at St John Neuman
 Our little traveler in the Phoenix airport
 Emma and Mimi at The County Line
Showing off her summer haircut

Scottsdale Arizona

We went to Arizona for Maury and Richie's wedding at the beginning of June with Mimi and had a great weekend at The Boulders!  As we were flying in Emma looked out of the window and said, "Look at all of the dirt mom!"  It was pretty funny. 
 Relaxing in Mom and Dad's bed

 Watchin Merry Poppins on the Ipad
 This is the cute cowboy hat that the resort gave Emma.
 Emma and Joel


Emma had her first Mayfest experience this year and Mimi made sure that she experienced a turkey leg!
 Face painting

 Bounce House
 The prize she won

 Playing in the water fountain
 Turkey leg!!!
And since I am pregnant and cannot ride rides...Mimi rode the airplanes with Emma!

Emma's first night on her big girl bed

This is Emma on her first night in her big girl beds!  More pics of her room to come!